PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Compared to ordinary sprays that leave a residue, Phantom pressurized insecticide delivers the active ingredient more effectively by drying in crystals without leaving a visible residue. The only liquid non repellent, non-IGR labeled for indoor general pest control including commercial food handling areas.


It will take a day for pests to die and they won’t “run away” when sprayed but they will die!! Low to no odor and invisible residue makes it a great product for use in open areas. Pests are exposed to the active ingredient either by ingestion or contact. Effective on pyrethroid-resistant strains of bed bugs and cockroaches. Also good for Ants (Acrobat, Argentine, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharaoh, Pyramid), Beetles (Asian Lady, Confused Flour, Darkling Larva (Yellow Mealworm), Saw-toothed Grain), Bark Scorpions, Bed Bugs, Bees, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches (American, Asian, Brown-Banded, German, Oriental, and Smokey Brown), Crickets, Drain Flies, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Flour Beetles, Grain Weevils, House Flies, House Crickets, Indian Meal Moths, Paper Wasps, Pillbugs, Silverfish, Spiders (Black Widow, Cellar), Springtails, Stable Flies, Stinkbugs, Stored Product Pests, Termites, Wasps and Yellowjackets.

WHERE TO USE: Apply as a spot and/or crack and crevice and/or void treatment where pests harbor, nest, trail, run, and/or breed or hide.Treat into voids or to surfaces beneath cabinets, furniture, spaces between equipment, expansion joints, surfaces behind sinks, floor drains (to sewers), lockers, and water pipes. Exterior treatments around the listed areas are limited to spot and/or crack and crevice treatments where pests enter around doors, windows, eaves, attic vents and holes in exterior walls where utilities enter.

The nozzle comes attached to the can and there is a straw injector you can use for injecting cracks or crevices. You can also remove it to use for spot treatments.

WHEN TO RETREAT:    As explained above, Phantom is not a fast acting product and for this reason, many people tend to over use it thinking its not working. But in most cases, treatments will last at least 2 weeks if not 4 weeks. So a good rule to follow is to renew treatments every 2 weeks if pests remain active but if they disappear, don’t treat again for at least a month. And if you follow this “once a month” routine, its not likely any pests will return.

ADVANTAGES OF PHANTOM: There are several advantages this product has over most residual aerosols. These advantages are noticed when one needs to treat in the home. For starters, since it goes on “dry”, it can be used around wood floors, tiles and other shiny substrate without leaving a visible mess. Liquid sprays are usually not an option in such an environment and ordinary aerosols will many times require some cleanup to remove oily films. When used properly, Phantom won’t be leave any visible residue. This makes it ideal for use on boats, vehicles and other hard to treat locations. Another advantage of Phantom is it’s low odor. Barely detectable when applied properly, it’s easy to use this inside without stinking everyone out of the home for days. Lastly, it’s slow mode of action means you won’t be alerting target pests that anything has been applied. Most will have no clue anything has been used and go about their normal business which means they’ll be picking up a lethal dose and dying in the days following the treatment. Traditional aerosol products usually flush out or repel pests which in turn can scatter them out and about making it difficult to get them over treated areas. This won’t happen with Phantom.




$35.00  (14 oz can)   (451298)  (3+ $33.00 ea.)
Order online and save 5%

$385.00  CS of 12 Cans (451298CS12)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
Order online and save 5%

ALTERNATE OPTION FOR NEW YORK CUSTOMERS:  Using a similar active to Phantom, Alpine aerosol is another “non repellent” we can send to NY. Use it for randomly foraging pests like springtails, ants, termites, booklice and more.


$30.00 (20 oz can) (783550) (4+ $25.00 ea)
Order online and save 5%

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March 22, 2012

Comments on PT-PHANTOM 14 OZ Leave a Comment

August 31, 2014

Sandi @ 1:36 pm #

Is this product okay to spray down sink and tub drains that go to a septic tank? I’m concerned about keeping the septic system ‘alive and happy’ while getting rid of springtails.

September 21, 2014

Sandi @ 4:29 pm #

When using PT-221 down a drain or for direct contact on the springtails in the bathtub or sink, what is the recommended clean up?

September 24, 2014

Jennifer @ 10:43 am #

Is this safe to use in a home with a dog? Sometimes our dog in known to kill bugs with his mouth, but generally not eat them. Will he be safe?

November 11, 2014

Kelly @ 11:39 am #

How long does the application last before you need to reapply? I am planning to use this to get rid of thrips that are in my home (I have no plants but I’m in an apt building so they are coming in from somewhere).

November 17, 2014

Brian P @ 1:18 pm #

Does this product come with some sort of injector tip? How easy is it to spray into small deep cracks and crevices?

December 1, 2014

Rochelle S @ 11:41 pm #

When using Phantom Crack & Crevice spray in a cabinet or pantry, how long does it need to air out, and should I wash it prior to putting foodstuff back into the cabinet? We have an infestation of pantry moths and need a crack & crevice spray to kill the larvae. We have obtained traps, but obviously those won’t take care of the larvae.

Thank you!

December 2, 2014
December 5, 2014

Kim Smithey @ 5:18 pm #

There are hundreds and hundreds of red wasps living under the siding of our home. We still have a few random warm days and the wasps swarm everywhere. I was wondering if the Phantom spray will still work since winter is coming and the wasps wouldn’t be going in and out?

December 6, 2014
December 30, 2014

Sarah W @ 9:26 pm #

We had bugs in our rice (rice weevils?) and I want to make sure they are all dead and that they never come back. I found one live bug tonight but it was inside a plastic bag that I had sealed after the infestation, which was a few weeks ago. Are they back? What products do you recommend?

Thank you.

December 31, 2014
March 19, 2015

Mary R. @ 11:40 am #


Our pantry was built inside an old laundry closet, so there is a small gap between the closet drywall and the wooden walls of the pantry. We brought in pantry moths from a box of rice, but by the time I realized it, we had an infestation. I tried the sticky traps from the hardware store, but those only attract the males…and not many of them. After fighting the pantry moths for several weeks, I found PT-Phantom on the internet. We never saw any larva, so the crack and crevice straw made it easy to reach the areas where we think they were laying their larva. We continued to see and kill a few moths for about 3 days, but are now moth-free! PT-Phantom doesn’t have much smell, so it was great for the kitchen! I like that the can comes with an extra spray nozzle cap. I highly recommend this product!

Theo @ 11:49 am #


The Phantom spray we received worked great to get rid of both termites and carpenter ants. Thanks to Jonathan and the BugSpray team for their outstanding customer service. We expect to be very long-term customers.

Bob Readinger @ 11:58 am #


I have used an exterminator for my home because of a persistent ant issue for several years. However, I was not sure that I wanted to take on the exterminator role. I found this site and identified a few options but my inexperience caused me to hesitate. So I figured I would risk sounding like a total rookie and give the company a call.

I spoke with Dave (I think). He was great. He helped me select the appropriate product, talked to me about the application and talked about the financial benefits of my doing the very simple job as opposed to paying an exterminator to do the work. I will save over $300 this year by being my own exterminator.

I get a professional grade product and have instructions from a pro! What is there to think about besides what to do with the extra $300 I now have?

I Highly recommend USPRAY.

July 21, 2015

Susan @ 4:29 pm #

I have springtails on my window sills, in my sink, and in my baseboard heating. I’ve read what to use to get rid of them. I just want to be sure that if I spray the PT phantom or d-force aerosol now (in the summer), when the heat is eventually turned on, will any unhealthy chemicals be dispersed into the air?

July 22, 2015
November 30, 2015

Patrice Bush @ 11:58 am #

Can this product be used inside of a car? I have 3 little ones who ride with me daily in the back seat. I believe I have stink bugs in my car.

April 22, 2016

Danielle @ 12:45 pm #


Customer service is EXCELLENT!!!! I believe in a natural lifestyle and tend to shy away from chemicals, but when we started finding larder beetles in our home, I was at a loss with natural remedies. I contacted bugspray and they helped me find the perfect product. The Phantom spray is for cracks and crevices and dries quickly. Cracks and crevices are not highly trafficked places by people, but they are for bugs so I can be confident in using this product. It also doesn’t kill the bug right away and allows them to infect their fellow bug friends. Great product! I have noticed a huge improvement. Thank you to for running a fantastic business and helping with our pest problem!

May 16, 2016

Glen C. @ 6:02 am #


Excellent! The PT-Phantom worked perfectly! Even after removing all opened packages from the pantry and using moth traps, I just couldn’t get rid of the pantry moths. Every night there were several fluttering around. I sprayed a few strips (single pass, about two feet long, holding applicator about six inches from the wall) on the wall behind the shelves in the pantry and on several walls around the house. Sure enough, there was no noticeable odor and no stain as soon as the propellant dried away. Best of all, within a couple of days, the moths started to disappear, falling to the floor, dead! Two weeks after the first and only spraying, we see a lonely moth fluttering around every couple of days, but they are essentially gone. What a relief! Well worth the $40 (! including shipping) and I think I have more than half the can left!

August 19, 2016

Ashley @ 8:18 am #

Does PT-Phantom work for darkling beetles in our home? We have a poultry farm and they are really bad this year so I am noticing them in the house more so then not.

September 12, 2016

Theresa Melvin Roth @ 7:51 am #


Springtail Relief! I’ve been fighting a Springtail infestation in my home for the past several months. I have a Pest Control company come and spray the house inside & out 6x/yr and they came in and dumped “stuff” down the drain and sprayed for Springtails but nothing offered any relief. I bought Phantom, Cykick, and Drain Pipe Treatment, used them all 3 exactly how the website indicated and I noticed an immediate improvement. With continued use, I no longer have an issue in 2-3 of my bathrooms. And I envision the Springtails in my remaining bathroom will be eradicated with a little more time. I am really impressed with these products and will continue using them.

November 9, 2016

Erin Layne @ 4:13 pm #

We have approximately 22 foot high ceilings; how high does the aerosol spray reach?

March 8, 2017

J van Oosterom @ 1:09 pm #

Hi Jonathan,

We’ll be going to Panama at the end of the month. Is there anything like PT-Phantom in liquid/oil form that can be used on the skin? As kissing bugs mostly attack the face, applying an insecticide directly to the skin might be helpful especially at night. (At 78, I have lots of cracks and crevices –wrinkles– but I don’t think that spraying those is what you’re talking about 😉

Anyway, I don’t think kissing bugs have made their way to Canada yet, but I doubt we’ll escape their invasion. Our government currently has no legislation in effect to ban kissing bugs! (We have a whimpy Prime Minister)

From alerts on TV it looks like your enterprise has a promising future! Good luck, and if you can answer my question I’ll be ordering some.


June 4, 2017

Kenneth G. @ 7:53 am #


Great! The bug spray worked. The odor was gone in 30 minutes and I have not seen an ant since.

June 30, 2017

ITK @ 7:40 am #


Great product! Easy to use with a low odor that disappears quickly. Used it with the max force gel which was applied a few days after and have seen no carpenter ants in the house. Hit the area where I thought the nest was with Drione a few days later to be safe. Seems to have done the job.

September 15, 2017

Courtney N. @ 7:40 pm #


Perfect for foundations! This product was specifically recommended for yellow jacket infestation of a house foundation. It works slowly over 2-3 days and does not alarm the yellow jackets, so they don’t attempt to escape into the house! I used it and waited 2 days. There was still a minimal activity at the hole in the mortar, so I repeated the treatment with total success. I was then able to patch the mortar.

September 21, 2017

Marsha @ 11:19 am #


The Phantom spray with the plastic tube applicator makes it very easy to apply in tiny hole openings. I used it on my cabin T and G walls to treat carpenter ants. BUT, WHAT I LIKE BEST is the web site; they teach you exactly how to treat all of your bug problems. It’s the best site I’ve found yet!
Thanks to!

September 22, 2017

Scotty @ 8:51 am #


Yellow Jackets are Gone! Two applications into a tiny hole and the yellow jackets making a home in the eve are totally gone!!

September 29, 2017

Phil @ 9:25 am #


I had at least a 24 inch square nest formed in the ceiling of my bedroom. The wasps/yellow jackets were coming in 25 feet up on the outside where an upper balcony was attached to the house. I used the spray can extension pole i got from and applied one can of Phantom II total over 8-10 ft span of deck attachment point – three applications over two days. Third or Fourth night out the wasp nest has died just as advertised!

October 8, 2017

Tammy McCall @ 7:27 am #


The spray I ordered worked great! I had a huge problem with Elm Bugs. I followed the instructions & I noticed a difference with in a few days! I even sprayed my neighbors problem areas. Success! I would & have referred this product!

Joyce Miltenberger @ 5:04 pm #


Blasted them stink bugs! I’ve tried everything on the market and nothing seems to work as well as this PT-Phantom. It doesn’t kill on contact but it seems that since I’ve been spraying around windows and on them when I see them, that I am getting less and less bugs. Where I used to find 20, I’m finding 1 or 2. Gosh they’re awful and keep trying to take over my cabin. Not a chance. This girl is fighting back! Try this product!

October 25, 2017

Sandra Peek @ 7:38 pm #


Used this spray to try to rid rural house from hard backed beetle bugs. Seems to have worked as I’m not seeing nearly as many bugs (if any). Before, I didn’t dare not wear from shoes at night without lights on or I would almost always step on one of those critters!! Yuck!

May 18, 2018

Donald Moodie @ 12:06 pm #


We had the beginning of a Springtail infestation together with some kind of tiny ants. The PT Phantom spray got rid of them almost instantly. Not only was the stuff amazingly effective, the application was very controlled and confined to the affected area. Highly recommended.

June 8, 2018

Casie @ 2:46 pm #


We have springtails coming in from the base of the toilet. We have checked the toilet for leaks and even replaced the wax ring even though there was no evidence of leaks or moisture there. We are currently treating the outside perimeter of the house as you suggest. We are going to order the deltamethrin for the crawl space under the bathroom. Can we use the PT-PHANTOM at the base of our toilet in the house? We have a cat who rarely comes in the bathroom but we are concerned about tracking the spray residue through the house. Also, can we still mop the bathroom after it’s been applied since we really just want to get the spray under the gap of the toilet where it sits on the floor?

July 1, 2018

Krystl Woodall @ 7:00 am #


This company had lots of very helpful information. I learned a lot. And with the information they provided I was able to make an educated and confident choice of which products would best suite my needs. They had the products recommended all available to purchase. My products were shipped and arrived promptly. so far the PT-Phamtom has worked great! I will definitely be keeping this on hand!

August 18, 2018

Robyn Grimes @ 9:06 am #


It’s Working!!!! Our area is having an invasion of elm seed beetles! I did all the outside recommendations- clean up leaves, caulk all cracks, pulled down the ivy and even cut the elm tree down and sprayed the siding. But there were still at least 200 in the house and shop every day. We sprayed the Phantom Aerosol in all the outside cracks- it did take a day or two, but there were only 5 in the house yesterday and only 1 so far today ! YAY!!!!

September 8, 2018

Fern Gieselman @ 2:57 pm #


Very satisfied! I received the product very quickly. I used it to kill hornets/wasps? that were nesting under some siding. It took care of the problem with about four applications but we did a couple more for good measure.

September 29, 2018

Kelly Fitzharris @ 11:56 am #


This definitely helped as it said it would. I had taken care of the outdoor source of the Springtails, but still was seeing them inside a bit along baseboards and they would end up in my bathroom sink (having come up thru the medicine cabinet and sides of the sink, etc. I sprayed this stuff on a Friday evening (mostly using the needle into the crevices around sink cabinet area and along baseboards) and by Sunday/Monday there was a significant decrease in what I saw at nite. Now I dont have any in the sink in the mornings and don’t even worry about checking the baseboards. I will keep it up 1x month or so as needed.
Thanks so much!

October 27, 2018

Brian Arevalo @ 12:12 pm #

I have infestation of mud daubers getting in my transmission vent and causing fluid loss. How can I keep them away?

November 19, 2018

Karrie @ 10:19 am #

Hello, I have an infestation of red flour bettles and did find the source of the infestation, and did rid my house of it plus because I’m the kind of person that once I find a bug that’s pretty much it I do whatever is necessary to clear the problem, I have emptied my entire pantry I put everything that was in a bag, cardboard or paper package in the garbage, anything in a hard plastic or glass container I kept, but that hasn’t gotten rid of them, mind you I’m only seeing maybe 3-4 a day now I’m still seeing them and have found them in the living room now.? Are they looking for other food sources? I vacuumed everything washed all the shelve please help me … any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

June 2, 2019

Elda Nefat @ 9:27 pm #

Hello, I have some pantry pests. They are tiny tiny little red/brown beetles. I believe they are drugstore beetles. I have emptied my pantry and ALL my cupboards and cleaned out everything. The only thing is I can’t get into the crevices. I have set out pheromone traps and have over the last few days only found 1 in my pantry but 1 in my bathroom tub. The one in my tub was on my pheromone trap.

Today I found one in my living room. I don’t have a pheromone trap in there but will put one in there. Do you have any other recommendations?

Thank you…I hate bugs..ugh.

June 3, 2019
June 14, 2019

Karen Beers @ 5:00 pm #


A very helpful representative and after a month of carpenter ants in our camper and following instructions, we seem to be ant free. Great product!

July 18, 2019

Kristen Clashan @ 9:52 pm #

Hi there. I want to use this in my shower/bath tub for springtails. After I spray it and let It dry, can I take a shower or bath as normal?

July 19, 2019
September 10, 2019

Robert P. @ 11:59 am #


Works great with no odor. Single spray at night under the siding and did not provoke the wasps to come out.

October 9, 2019

Lynda R @ 7:07 am #


Had Yellow jacket nest under siding. This spray worked very well as expected after two applications yellow jackets were gone. I had previously purchased a product from you for carpenter ants and the results were the same. Good product excellent service. Thank you , Lynda.

Lisa M. @ 10:02 am #


Miller Moth Eliminator but since the cold weather has come prematurely, I haven’t used this product yet.

October 15, 2019

Lisa M. @ 1:29 pm #


Great! For Miller Moths! This product has been SUPER EFFECTIVE since application 3 weeks ago. Love that the odor is GONE within 5 minutes & dries also. The spray can included a spray stray to reach deep, tight areas. We have ZERO Miller Moths inside now. I HIGHLY recommend this spray can application.
I used the ONSLAUGHT w/pump sprayer for the outside 2 weeks ago and it seems to be working well.

July 14, 2020

Megan @ 3:16 pm #

Will this work if I spray it under the hood of my car? I have found mud daubers and their nest (since removed) in my car’s AC box and fear they will continue to return and damage my car.

Megan @ 4:01 pm #

@Tech Support: Thank you!

October 10, 2020

Delruby @ 11:31 pm #

Hi, I live in a 3-story condo, I wondered how to apply PHANTOM to eliminate the confused flour beetles forever? Spray where I saw them or just the infestation area? The reason I’m asking is because about a month ago, I first found the beetles most on the third floor stairs and bathrooms where there’s no way having any food there. And recently I found some beetles inside the pantry on second floor and few on first floor bedroom. And today I’ve empty all the flour and sealed all the dry food. Can you give me suggestions on which area I should apply the PHANTOM?

October 11, 2020
May 23, 2021

Linda. @ 2:47 pm #

I read an article that said to use Pt Phantom on a boat (sprayed on the carpeting and under the cover) to get rid of mud daubers. Is this true?

August 8, 2021

Ray Redniss @ 4:05 pm #


This stuff is amazing! It absolutely works! Wasps decided they liked the hollow areas between the inner liner and hull of my boat. There was so much activity at every vent, I thought I’d need to have the whole boat exterminated. I followed the simple directions and tested a small, painted area. Once I was certain there would be no issue, I put on the extension tube, waited until late evening, and sprayed around and in the most active places. In the morning there was still activity, but 2 days later, very little. I got brave and went after every opening and under the gunnel bolsters along both sides (full length.) I waited another day to check it out and didn’t see a single wasp!! This product is excellent! Super easy to use, obviously effective, and ! leaves no staining or residue! It does exactly what is says it will do!!!

August 29, 2021

Katie @ 11:18 pm #

Hi there,

I have black carpet beetles in my car and vacuuming and steaming haven’t eliminated them. I think they started in the trunk, then were living under the back seat (until I removed the back seat and vacuumed and steamed under there), but I just found one in the driver’s seat and I don’t know where it came from. What would be the best way to treat my car with Phantom if I’m not sure of the source of the beetles at this point? Thank you for this helpful comment area!

August 30, 2021
September 9, 2021

Candy Pisarek @ 8:33 am #


Works great on European hornets! Great product!!

November 11, 2021

Natalie @ 9:01 am #


Awesome! Super easy to use. Super effective. Love the applicator to get into small crevices.

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