PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Bellows type of duster which allows you to apply dust to plants, vegetables, foliage, etc. with accuracy and uniform flow so you don’t over apply it or waste material.
This model comes in two styles; the standard model seen to the right has a 6″ extension and is good for most applications. But in some cases, you may need the longer reaching model which features a 12″ extension.
This is our Crusader, which works just like the CB4, but has a larger bulb for holding more dust. This Duster is better suited for larger jobs where you need some type of extension for reaching under or into tight spaces. It features a rubber bulb and a metal extension and tip. Use it for products like Drione, Deltamethrin Dust, DE Dust, etc. The video below does a good job of showing how it’s used.
ACCESSORIES: DUST FUNNEL (used for filling duster without making a mess)
$25.00 6″ Model (282244)(Free Standard Shipping)
Order online and save 5%
$35.00 12″ Model (282246)(Free Standard Shipping)
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Supporting Video
Comments on CRUSADER
Chris McNeil @ 9:41 am
Purchased and used with Drione Dust to handle carpenter bees. This duster is simple and appears to be high quality. Includes a tube clearing rod, which I did not need, and the bellow mechanism is easy to operate. I dusted 19 carpenter bee holes and corked them. Simple.
Mel Davenport @ 11:47 am
Good quality. I’ve used this bellows duster to spread about a pound of Drione dust. It seems to be well made and functions well. The nozzle is ideal for getting into cracks. Be advised that it came with no instructions. It took me a few minutes to realize it should be held with the rubber stopper on top. Also, there’s a small brass bolt that screws into the bottom of the tube, opposite the business end. I guess it’s to allow air into the system. I cracked it open a bit, and the unit works fine.
Robert Dowling @ 7:25 am
Great duster! Works just like in the video, very effective.
Bridget Lippard @ 9:28 am
Easy to use, follow the directions from the video. We did have an issue with the pin falling out during the dusting and did not know were we lost it. Trying to order another pin.
Jennifer Savage @ 9:49 am
Recommend it be included in the duster itself. I’m glad I ordered it because it provides distance from where I am needing to spray large wasp nests.
Christoppher Mills @ 1:34 pm
Very well constructed and durable. This duster works very well for blowing Drione into carpenter bee holes, whether upwards, downwards, or sideways. A quick shake to loosen the Drione inside the bellows, then one or two pumps (easily done with one hand) will coat the inside of the hole with white dust. The duster blows the Drione inside the hole very effectively, and not all over the place. I wear a dust mask and eye protection anyway, as a precaution.
Benjamin Heesen @ 8:51 am
This product is easy, safe & surprisingly effective. The ‘how to use’ videos are instructive & accurate. We highly recommend this product to others. We plan to use it to keep wasps from infesting our buildings. Wasps have a place in the world. But, not in the crevices of our buildings.
Xiaozheng @ 7:26 am
Powerful stuff! Ordered for my dad to deal with wasps nesting inside of vinyl siding of his townhome. It worked very well. The powder is not as fine as I imagined, but still powdery. It is definitely powerful. The tool is very nicely designed and easy to operate.
Alice Concepcion @ 10:54 am
Ordered for my dad to deal with wasps nesting inside of the vinyl siding of his town home. It worked very well. The powder is not as fine as I imagined, but still powdery. It is definitely powerful. The tool is very nicely designed and easy to operate.
Ronald Simpson @ 7:59 pm
The 12″ extension duster allowed me to keep my distance from the yellow jacket nest in the ground. I was able to apply the drione dust to the surface area of the nest and now….no more yellow jackets!
Valerie D. @ 12:58 pm
This wand does what it is supposed to do, spray effectively!
Charles Cockrum @ 8:31 am
Powder worked as advertised. Applying the dust at night worked just like the video showed. Much better than hiring an exterminator.
Maria DeJesus @ 3:23 pm
I am still getting used to using the duster. I feel the point at end should direct the dust to the side instead of the top. Nevertheless, when I use it correctly, it sure dispenses the right amount and within the right area you need. Very happy with process and guidance give by Bugs Spray staff online.
Jay Elnicki @ 8:32 am
It Works! I used this product and it worked as designed…Just spend your money because you, your family, friends and relatives depend on you keeping them safe when they visit your home.
Diana @ 11:24 am
I purchased the 12” extension duster to treat an inground yellow jacket nest. It worked perfectly but I was nervous getting that close to the nest. I took the advice on the you tube video and treated it at night which helped. Killed the nest completely.
Brenda Wadkins @ 2:46 pm
This Duster made the job so easy, a must have!!
Destiny Mills @ 7:26 am
Wow! I am totally shocked at how well this works. I used it twice in my problem area and haven’t had carpenter bees since! Shipped quickly, highly reccomend this product! I definitely reccomend the 12″ extension. Makes it so much easier!
Matt S @ 8:45 am
This is a great product that works exactly as described. I would purchase again. One hint for using it, give a small, single shake just before squeezing the bulb.
Wasp Snuffer @ 9:54 am
Dead yellowjackets! Followed instructions, sprayed powder at night. Zero live wasps in the morning & no pain!
Cynthia Epplin @ 7:11 am
Worked perfectly! Perfect system to get rid of those pesky carpenter bees.
Gloria @ 8:02 am
EASY to use ! ! ! Yellow jackets at our front door. Using the Crusader Duster, after dark we puffed the Demize Dust into their entrance. Extremely easy to use. The next day the nest was shut down!