PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Biological formulation which breaks down the slime and other organic buildup that will accumulate on drain pipes. It will not hurt the pipe regardless of the material the pipe is made from. Takes away the breeding ground insects will use including drain or moth flies, fungus flies, phorid flies but also springtails, ants, psocids, book lice, roaches and more.

WHERE TO USE IT: Drain lines from the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, showers, tubs and food disposals.


RATE OF APPLICATION: 2 ounces per drain per week until the problem subsides. Treat late at night, just before retiring, and allow the treatment to sit in the drain as long as possible before running the water again. If insects are appearing during the week, use LEMON PLUS INSECTICIDE DOWN THE DRAIN as needed. It will kill active pests and help break the cycle that much faster.

$25.00   (775290) 32 oz (3+ $22.00 ea)
Order online and save 5%




July 17, 2014

Amanda @ 9:21 am #

Is this safe to use in septic tanks because I have the springtails coming up in the master bathtub and I have a septic tank.

September 24, 2014

Nate @ 5:12 pm #

I didn’t get an answer via e-mail for some odd reason. I might be interested in this Survivors item, but what are the active ingredient(s)?

September 25, 2014
November 13, 2015

gerardo perez @ 1:48 pm #

Do I use the survivors before the pt-cykick or after? Thanks.

August 1, 2016

Kelly @ 5:28 pm #

Hello – We have Survivors and many of your products. Is Survivors safe to use in an older basement floor drain? We are battling these suckers and I think this is their last place of moisture in the house. There is a large stone on top of the drain holding the dehumidifier and water softener hoses in it. They seem to be on this stone. I just found 15 or so of them. Thanks in advance!

August 18, 2016

Amanda @ 9:58 am #

I thought the bugs we have were fruit flies but after reading the article I got this link from I now believe they are springtails. The question I have though is what products do I need to treat our garbage disposal? My guess is from reading the article is that they’re living in the sludge that builds up inside it, but now I also noticed them coming up out of our bathroom sink. The building we live in was built in 1953.

August 22, 2016

liz @ 3:35 pm #

I have springtails in the master bathtub. I want to use the items suggested but am worried about harming my cats. Is it safe if they were to be around it?
Thank you,

September 12, 2016

Theresa Melvin Roth @ 7:49 am #


Springtail Relief! I’ve been fighting a Springtail infestation in my home for the past several months. I have a Pest Control company come and spray the house inside & out 6x/yr and they came in and dumped “stuff” down the drain and sprayed for Springtails but nothing offered any relief. I bought Phantom, Cykick, and Drain Pipe Treatment, used them all 3 exactly how the website indicated and I noticed an immediate improvement. With continued use, I no longer have an issue in 2-3 of my bathrooms. And I envision the Springtails in my remaining bathroom will be eradicated with a little more time. I am really impressed with these products and will continue using them.

October 5, 2016

Vanessa @ 5:56 pm #

I have phorid flies in my house. I do not know where they’re coming from. I recently got new Plumbing so I don’t believe I have a leaking pipe. I have never seen them come out of any of my drains.. I do have a septic which I had emptied in May of 2016. The home is a mobile home put on the property in 1994. I just moved there in May. So I do not know if this problem was already there before I moved in. I do recall seeing maybe one or two random bugs but I thought they were nuts and it was at the opposite end of the house which they are not at the opposite end of the house anymore. I have looked everywhere inside my house for these bugs. They appear but I cannot find out where they are breeding period. Please help as I am desperate. I have noticed them in 1 bathroom for the most part and also flying around my kitchen and dining room area. But I also see random flies in a few other rooms. But not as many as I have seen in one bathroom and it seems my kitchen. I am so frustrated and I do not know how to get rid of these.

October 6, 2016
May 31, 2017

Brian R. @ 1:36 pm #


Great Effective Product! I have been a commercial drain product user for years and recently discovered Survivors drain treatment. It is great to treat sinks and toilets in spare rooms that you might not use frequently. We had mites coming up through our pipes and this fixed the issue after about 3-5 days and doing two overnight treatments like the instructions say. I am a fan and will continue to buy this product instead of the overpriced Drano chemicals I have been using in the past.

June 29, 2017

Nikki @ 8:00 am #

I’ll see one springtail in my kitchen sink occasionally but there’s a window above it. Same with my bathroom tub. I’ll see one or two but there’s also a window next to my tub and also occasionally one in the bathroom sink. I’m thinking they are coming from window but not sure if they were coming from drain wouldn’t I see a lot more ??

July 24, 2017

Eric @ 7:38 am #


This product works as described by I followed the instructions and currently have control of springtails in my house 🙂

September 27, 2017

Winston E. @ 10:36 pm #


Drain flies are GONE! This is the BEST drain product I have ever used! Seriously, Not only did it almost instantly unclog a couple of slow drains in my house, but it ERADICATED the drain flies that were steadily infesting my shower. This product is a MIRACLE!

November 4, 2017

Annette H. @ 7:23 am #


Great customer service! The products seem to be working but I have yet to see if it will really take care of the crickets in the drain. So far so good. However, why I chose to write a review was the lovely customer service agent who helped me. I apparently used the PT-Cykick can incorrectly. In order to point the straw down the drain I had to at least tilt it on the side thus emptying the propellant – so I have a half a can left without being able to spray any of it out. She kindly directed me to a link with a video showing how to reposition the straw. She really took time to research it and sent this in a second communication. Great customer service. The product works, just having to keep using it right now, so not sure how permanent it is or whether I just have a huge problem. But I am optimistic!

November 30, 2017

Karen B @ 10:46 pm #

Which products would work best for crickets coming up through my tub drain? How often should they be applied? Also, should I treat the line coming to my washer and will I need to treat the bathroom drains on the 2nd floor as well? I am on a lagoon and home is built with a small crawl space foundation. Should I expect this to be a continual problem?

December 1, 2017
October 11, 2018

Eric Landau @ 9:38 am #


It helps keep the springtails population down, been using it regularly for a few years now.

February 2, 2019

Christine Diamond @ 8:19 pm #


Needed to put it in a slow drain 3 nights in a row but seemed to clear it and now I try to do monthly.

June 12, 2019

Barbara M. @ 12:53 pm #


Very effective after two uses a few days a part.

June 18, 2019

Patricia Gedeller @ 12:06 pm #


This product was great and did everything it said it would.

June 21, 2019

Paula Krone @ 11:29 am #


I purchased this product along with the Cykick Spray hoping to not only clear out crickets we were dealing with but also to remove as much hair and debris as we could from the pipes to eliminate as much of their food source as possible. The Survivors has done just that. Thanks for the great products.

July 4, 2019

Angie @ 10:44 am #

Hello — Can Survivors be used in a sump pump pit area? We need to treat the area for springtails and aren’t sure what to use. Thanks.

July 8, 2019

Robin Jones @ 7:42 am #


Product appears to be working. Thank you.

July 11, 2019

Ta-Meia Dixon @ 8:07 pm #


Just when I’d given up hope…

I wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU for giving me the power and understanding to fight this springtail infestation that was driving me to the point of almost hating the home that I so dearly love.

I initially made a few purchases of just the Cy-Kick spray and treating my kitchen sink drains daily. That worked for about a year until about 4 months ago when it seemed it was not doing enough anymore.

I finally revisited your site and took my time to read all about springtails. I embraced that I needed to expand my treatment efforts further. I treated the perimeter of my home’s foundation, mulch and siding with the granules, activator and dust. I then treated my kitchen drains and the drains directly ! above the kitchen in my master bath with the Survivors treatment and Cy-Kik for 72 hours. I have not seen one springtail since the treatment and I just did a repeat on the outside treatment this past Sunday and will do the drain treatment overnight once monthly.

I love my home again!

September 24, 2019

Andrea @ 12:12 pm #

@Ta-Meia Dixon: what is the product called that you used on the outside of your house? I’m having a big problem with springtails in my kitchen!!

May 14, 2020

Nadia G. @ 4:30 pm #


My exterminator said that bugs could not come from drain pipes, but they do; mostly springtails and flies, but I have seen larger bugs come out of there. I tried insecticides, but this product is more efficient. You have to use it every few days, but it does work.

May 17, 2020

Tan G. @ 11:28 am #


I always purchase a small container and a large container of Survivors. After the winter there is an infestation of drain flies. Only Survivors tends to do the trick at getting rid of them. By pouring the large gallon into the quart it makes it easier not to waste.

July 27, 2020

Erica Herron @ 6:51 am #


Best Product Ever! Ordered the survivors Drain Liquid for a springtail issue we have In our home. By the time we noticed an issue they were in our kitchen sink bathroom sinks bathtubs. Did some research found out this was the best product. Ordered 1 gallon along with another recommended product pt221. Worked like a charm the springtails were gone after 4 weeks. We were amazed. Ordered another gallon for future outbreaks.
Only thing I didn’t like is the shipping but it’s worth it. Amazing Amazing

August 15, 2020

Farah Hayek @ 3:57 pm #


I’m very excited to find this company and purchase insect treatment materials which helped me better then two other companies that came to my house to treat the same problems.

October 9, 2020

Julia Militzer @ 1:55 pm #


Fast shipping, works great! The shipping on this was very fast and the product works great. We also had to buy the Eco Organic, this in combination with the Survivors completely took care of our crickets infestation in our grey water system shower drain. Great product, thanks for making so easy to resolve this!

November 10, 2020

Lauren @ 9:12 pm #

I have cave crickets coming out of my drain. Will this help?

November 11, 2020

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