PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This low odor residual aerosol uses Deltamethrin as it’s active and will provide both a quick kill and a long lasting residual action. It comes with a handy crack and crevice injecting tube that allows the applicator to get product applied deep into voids and spaces where pests like to hide.
* Quick knockdown and kill
* Long lasting residual – up to 4+ weeks!
* For indoor and outdoor use
* Low Odor
* Wide range of target insects
Kills: Ants, Bees, Bedbugs, Black Carpet Beetles, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Chocolate Moth, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Dermestids, Dog Ticks, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elmleaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flour Beetles, Grain Beetles, Ground Beetles, Gnats, Hornets, Houseflies, Midges, Lesser Grain Borers, Lone Star Ticks, Meal Moths, Mole Crickets, Mosquitoes, Moths, Mud Daubers, Pantry Pests, Palmetto Bugs, Pillbugs, Rice Weevils, Silverfish, Small Flying Moths, Sowbugs, Spider Beetles, Spiders, Stinkbugs, Termites, Ticks, Tobacco Moths, Wasps, Waterbugs, Webbing Clothes Moths and Many Other Crawling Insects.
Also Controls and Kills: Wood Infesting Pests – Termites (Subterranean, Formosan & Drywood), Carpenter Ants and Carpenter Bees.
Safe For Use In (but not limited to): Food Handling Establishments, Including Food Service, Manufacturing and Processing Establishments, Such as Restaurants, Cafeterias, Supermarkets, Bakeries, Breweries, Dairies, Meat, Poultry & Egg Processing & Packaging Plants, Canneries, Feed Handling Establishments Including Feed Manufacturing and Processing Establishments, Tents, Aircraft, Apartments, Atriums, Attics, Automobiles, Basements, Bathrooms, Boats, Bottling facilities, Buses, Cabins, Campers, Candy Plants, Carports, Cat Sleeping Quarters, Clothes Storage, Condominiums, Decks, Dens, Driveways, Garages, Gazebos, Granaries & Grain Mills, Hospitals, Hotels, Industrial Buildings, Kitchens, Laboratories, Lanais, Living Rooms, Mausoleums, Offices, Parlors, Patios, Pet Sleeping Areas, Play Rooms, Porches, Railcars, Recreational Vehicles, Rooms, Schools, Ships & Vessels, Solariums, Storage Areas, Sun Rooms, Trailers, Trucks, Utility Rooms, Verandahs, Warehouses and Wineries.
$30.00 (14 oz can) (451107) (3+ $27.00 ea)
Order online and save 5%
$300.00 CS of 12 cans(451107CS12)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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Comments on D-FORCE 14 OZ AEROSOL
Melissa @ 3:32 pm
I have read about the clover mites. I had seen about 100 on my front porch then I began to look inside and saw around 20 on the walls and window sill. I also used a lint roller on my area rug inside in front of my front door and there were at least 15. So should I treat this infestation as a level 3? And do they bite? Also my cat lays on that rug a lot so will they cause harm to my cat? Please help. Will my cat carry the mites around to different areas of my house if they get on him?
admin @ 7:42 am
Based on what you’re describing, you definitely have a level 3 problem. This means you’ll need to treat the outside and inside of your home if you want to get rid of this pest.
As for the cat; clover mites can definitely bite or cause allergic reactions in both people and pets. And they can be “carried” around the home by people or pets which will lead to a bigger area of infestation. Their bites are not dangerous and in most cases, neither is the reaction which can follow. But they can be a nuisance and should not be tolerated or accepted in the home meaning you should take a pro active approach to get rid of them ASAP.
So if you decide you want them gone, you’ll need to start applying the products listed in our clover mite article. This means treating with Deltagard granules around the home followed by spraying over the top with Bifen. The Bifen should also be applied to the side of the home focusing on the foundation, door frames, window frames, etc.
Inside the home you’ll want to spray the baseboards with the Bifen mixed solution along with some Dforce to all the cracks and crevices you can’t spray with the liquid Bifen (like around windows, door frames and other nest sites).
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Bifen IT:
Clover MItes:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Mon-Thur; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Chris @ 6:08 am
I bought bedroom furniture about 6 months ago and have noticed on my dresser there is always a little mound of dust on the floor on one side front corner. On further inspection I found small holes up and down the corner piece. I have now found out I have beetles. What is the best treatment for them or should I just call the place where I bought furniture to see about a replacement?
admin @ 7:23 am
In this situation, getting the company that sold it to you to replace the piece would be the easiest thing to do. But since this type of problem is fairly easy to treat, here’s another suggestion. If you contact the company that sold it to you and they acknowledge that you have a problem, they will many times discount the piece or even give it to you for free. They do this because its rarely worth their time or effort to treat it. That means if they do take it back, they will simply discard it anyway.
So if they’re willing to give it to you at no cost, you might consider keeping it and then using the cost savings to treat it yourself. There are a few options on how to treat and its an easy process so there is a good opportunity here for you to profit from this problem if you’re willing to do a little work.
So what treatment options do you have?
Well the first can only be done if the wood has unfinished sides to it. So from the “inside” walls and sides of the piece, you might be able to treat it with Boracare. This would be the best overall treatment because once done, it will last forever and keep the piece beetle free however long you own it. Boracare is odorless and easy to work with once mixed. Read up on this option here:
Also listed with the Boracare is the Jecta Gel. This is a bit more time consuming to use but in some cases, the only option. It works like Boracare but is best used on pieces which are completely finished and cannot be treated with Boracare. Here are links to these products in our cart:
Jecta Gel:
The last option would involve an aerosol and a fumigant. So first you would treat every hole you find with the Dforce listed on this page. You should also treat any seam or crack in the wood. This will offer immediate control to any exposed adults or lavae but unlike the Boracare or Jecta Gel, it won’t last long so you need to supplement the aerosol with a fumigant.
And the fumigant comes in the form of a small bar, about the size of a Hershey’s chocolate bar, which will slowly release into the air once deployed. They can be used effectively on wood beetles by first encasing the dresser in a light plastic tarp. This is best done by wrapping it in a plastic drop cloth, the kind used in homes when painting, which are very inexpensive and easy to use. The wrapping doesn’t have to be air tight but the better to you wrap it, the better the treatment will work. Here is this product in our catalog:
Now before wapping it you will need to place small pieces of the insect strips in each dresser draw. You can cut the strips in half and then set them on small pieces of aluminum foil or wax paper inside the dresser as well as under it and on top of it. Next wrap up the dresser with the plastic drop cloth and keep it stored this way for 4 weeks. Be sure to keep the unit in a garage or basement (not a living area unless its a room you don’t sleep in). Warm temps will allow the product to work best so no place cold.
After a month the insect strips will usually get rid of all beetle stages but in case you notice any more holes following the treatment, do the same thing again.
Since the Vapona strips will take a good 6-12 months to be “used up”, you can store them in a zip lock bag after the first treatment (even the ones you used in the dresser). This way if beetles reappear, you’ll have plenty of material left to handle the job.
In the end, the work involved to treat the problem is pretty easy no matter which route you choose. And depending on how much the piece cost and if the company you purchased it from is willing to work with you regarding the problem, a good opportunity for you to save some money.
Give us a call if you have further questions or concerns. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290.
Customer Care
chris @ 11:23 pm
Jonathan, thanks for your detailed recommendations. A manufacturer rep is coming tomorrow to check it out and I ordered the gel, as this looked to be best and easiest solution. Hopefully the manufacturer will just give me some type of refund. Once again, thanks for your advice.
Michael Bogle @ 11:42 pm
I have an invasion of millipedes. Do you have anything that will help get them under control? Most are short and slow. Tonight I saw several long millipedes and they were fast.
admin @ 6:49 am
Use the Bifen Granules and Bifen Spray for outside the home. These products can be read about in our Millipede control article here:
Next, use the same Bifen spray for treating baseboards inside the home and then lastly, this product, the D-Force Aerosol, for all the cracks and crevices you can’t spray with Bifen.
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Renee @ 9:00 pm
I have been seeing these little black bugs around my house. Just one here and there. I looked up on line and found out they are weevils. I then found a bunch in my food pantry. Do I have to treat my whole house since I have seen one or 2 of them on the walls in each room? I mostly see them in the kitchen on the tile floor and counters.
admin @ 8:09 am
If you review our Weevil control article, you’ll learn they can relocate successfully to other parts of the home. This can happen because they’re able to feed on a wide range of items commonly found in most any home.
Now does this mean you should treat the whole house? Its hard to say. As a professional, if we were coming to treat your home, we would. But that would be done to insure there was no lingering problem. But if you’re comfortable rolling the dice and playing the odds, you probably don’t have to worry since you found a main nest in the pantry and if you get them early enough, you should be able to keep them from spreading.
So for now, removing everything from the pantry and treating with D-Force would be wise. And setting out some X-Lure Traps around the rest of the home would be smart. This way if there is activity/nesting in other parts of the home, the traps will catch them and in turn, alert you to the issue.
Xlure Trap:
Lastly, spraying baseboards in other rooms with D-Force won’t hurt anything so you may want to go this route. More details on how to thoroughly treat this pest can be seen in our weevil article here:
Rice Weevils:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Marie @ 1:28 pm
I was doing some work in my room and I looked up and saw a squash bug. It was flying around my light in the ceiling. I was able to kill it and then found three more and killed them. I had an air condition in my window and I think they were coming through the little cracks so I took the air condition out and now both my windows are completely shut. I’m just really worried there are more around my room but I moved everything and checked every where in my room and I didn’t see anymore. Is there anything else you think I should do?
admin @ 6:28 pm
It would be wise to get the Dforce aerosol and then use it to treat any crack or crevice you can find in this room and any adjoining rooms. Basically you’ll want to spray around light fixtures, door frames, baseboards, molding, etc. where they might want to hide.
It would also be wise to open every window in the home that can be opened. Next, you’ll want to treat the window seal and the window “runner” with a light misting of Dforce. This will insure they don’t use this space for overwintering. You see, window frames and runners are one of the favorite spots for squash bugs to hibernate when it gets cool. And from there they will no doubt find their way inside so get these areas treated to stop any from invading.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
DN @ 9:31 am
I have newts/salamanders coming into my basement around the natural cracks in the foundation. These are not something that can be filled in due to natural air escaping etc. I have 2 cats and a dog so I need something that is pet safe. Can you recommend something to get rid of these pesky critters? The exterior is free of any brush/wood/debris. We think perhaps they are coming from the drainage tubes under the cement, but have not been able to find these… I’m hoping to combat them from the inside out. Thank you for anything you can do to assist.
Jonathan @ 10:01 am
If you review our salamander control article, you’ll see a product listed called Pest Rid. Generally used on the outside of the home, its a food based repellent that works well on lizards, newts, salamanders and more. Basically they’ll avoid where its been sprayed.
Now for some situations, we’ve had customers use it for spot treating crawl spaces and basements to keep these pests out. In other words, it can be used inside. And given the details of your problem; if you go with the liquid and apply it to all cracks, crevices and surfaces of your foundation, I’m sure they’ll stay out. I know for a fact they will use drain lines when foraging for food and in some cases, they’ll even nest in it so your problem is something we’ve seen many times.
The good news is Pest Rid will work instantly. And given the area being treated is inside the home, I would expect treatments to last 30-60 days. This would be longer than normal but since treatments would be shielded from the weather, they’ll last longer.
Lastly, once the salamanders change their patterns of foraging due to the Pest Rid chasing them away, they probably won’t come back even as the Pest Rid wears off.
Pest Rid Spray:
I also suggest you set out some traps. These work well and will catch any that make their way inside.
Lizard Traps:
More info on these products can be found here:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Rick @ 12:43 pm
This D-Force ended a two month battle with an infestation with a small hard shelled bug that we think was a weevil. Nothing worked till I tried this product. We saw a change almost instantly. I would recommend this to anyone having problems with most any pest. Excellent Product!!!!!
Delinda Gresham @ 8:23 am
I am a repeat customer. Orders arrived promptly. I work for a pest control company but prefer the DIY approach. This is a great company to help with that aspect. Will order from them again. The product got rid of my issue also. Very easy to apply.
Viola Williams @ 7:50 pm
So far so good. Sprayed 2 days go and no new springtails.
Raul Caraza @ 4:55 pm
Destructive! Product went on cracks and crevices where weevils kept popping out of. It was a massive infestation. After application, a few more came out but then by the next day it was fulminating. Every one coming out was dead. Very impressive product.
Jessica @ 12:32 pm
I just bought a house found springtails in toilet bowel and some in tank. We also have found them in the sink and tubs in bathroom. What products can be used for this problem?
Tech Support @ 12:59 pm
Go with the PT-221 and Survivors. More info is here:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Theresa Payne @ 8:24 am
This spray is the ONLY product we have found to be effective against stink bugs. But you have to hit the individual bug to kill it. (I have to say watching them die is something of a pleasure.) Stink bugs are so slow & large, its really hard to miss. I don’t use this product inside. The aerosol can design was changed this year & its easier to use than previous years & less wasteful.
Cat @ 10:23 am
Works well! This spray is easy to use and does the job. I had grain weevils in a pan cupboard. I emptied the cupboard and sprayed it. I let it set with the spray for several days. Then I scrubbed the cabinet out and replaced my washed pans. There has not been a return of the weevils. Now I just have to use it in my unfinished basement where spiders like to invade. The spray is easy to use with a plastic straw type attachment to help you get the spray into corners and cracks.
Jane P. @ 2:19 pm
We had an addition built and the sod that was laid was infested heavily with clover mites. We dealt with this on our own for 6 mo., not realizing what a huge problem we had. When the clover mites came back in October after their dormant summer period, we knew we had to try a stronger strategy. We realized the clover mites had laid their eggs in our wall voids and underneath our siding. We are using D-Force on the interior- windows and base boards (still 2 x month) and it is giving us superior control of the interior- where we had no control before. We use Bifen spray on the lawn and siding around the windows and foundation and Delta guard granules, (both 1 x month.) We hope to have this problem resolved by June, as it will have been 1 1/2 yr of this very taxing challenge. To be sure, the fight turned in our favor in October when we started using these products. We followed the advice for level 3 infestation and also found the tech support very knowledgeable, helpful and prompt in their response.
Philip Lucks @ 9:40 am
This is the only thing that seemed to have been able to control the Clover Mites inside the house. Thank goodness!
Phillip Perusse @ 6:36 pm
This is the product that finally ended the clover mite infestation. The lack of a fifth star is only because it leaves a wet stain where sprayed.