PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    Liquid algaecide for pool water.

WHERE TO USE IT:    Pools and jacuzzis.

Kill It is EPA registered and works with most common swimming pool chlorine and non-chlorine sanitizers to effectively remove and eliminate algae. It eliminates the majority of resistant colors and types of algae. The product has additional advantages as customers have noted that bees and wasps don’t seem to like to be around water treated with Skill-It. It does not stain and is non-metallic. It’s a user-friendly product that doesn’t require adjustment to the water pH before applying. Customers find Skill-it Algaecide to be an important tool for fighting resistant, persistent algae over the long term. The product can be reapplied if the initial application doesn’t completely eliminate the algae problem. Skill-it Algaecide can be added by itself directly to the pool water or water circulation equipment to eliminate algae.

Skill It does not stain and is non-metallic. It’s a user-friendly product that doesn’t require adjustment to the water pH before applying. The product can be reapplied if the initial application doesn’t completely eliminate the algae problem. Kill It can be added by itself directly to the pool water or by the water circulation equipment. Designed for use on weeds which are growing along the shoreline of ponds or lakes, it can also be used on plants which are growing up and out of the water. To be effective, you’ll need to have a good part of the plant above the water line so the treatment can be absorbed by the plant and get down to it’s root system.

RATE OF APPLICATION:    Kill It works best when added directly to pool water by itself in the area where the algae is most severe (turn off water features and keep agitation to a minimum to prevent excessive foam during treatment). The product is compatible with most swimming pool chemicals but should never be mixed directly with chlorine or any other oxidizer. Add approximately 6 ounces per 10,000 gallons of water or 26 ounces to 50,000 gallons of water. Vacuum the pool after 24 hours to remove dead algae. If the algae are still visible, repeat the process until the pool is free of algae.

For preventive maintenance, add 2 ounces per 15,384 gallons or 6.5 ounces of Skill-it to 50,000 gallons of water once a week during the insect season.



$50.00  32 oz  (953524)
Order online and save 5%

$195.00  GALLON  (953527)
Order online and save 5%

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Comments on SKILL IT ALGAECIDE Leave a Comment

May 3, 2016

Denise Terpenning @ 7:25 am #


This stuff is awesome!! I bought it really for killing wasps that were constantly landing in my pool getting water for their nest….that was one of the things it said it helps get rid of and eventually they will look elsewhere for water.. Well let me tell you.. instantly it was drowning the wasps they couldn’t float. 5 hrs later I had about 50 dead wasps and flies in the pool. Hopefully a few more applications will dissuade them to go elsewhere .. Totally recommend if that’s your problem as mine is not algae. My pool is beautiful but the wasps was not making it enjoyable.

June 11, 2016

Karen Trimble @ 7:27 am #


It really works! The problem had gotten so bad we only used the pool when we were armed with fly swatters. Poured just 2 ounces around the edge of the pool and splashed a little water to draw the wasps. Within minutes we had wasps landing but not flying away. I was amazed at the kill rate, especially with such a small amount. Hopefully they will stop coming after a few treatments.

June 16, 2016

Christie @ 9:57 am #


Product works as advertised! Within 2 days I haven’t had a single wasp in my pool! Finally my family can enjoy the backyard again.

July 18, 2016

Fred Reinhardt @ 5:18 pm #


It WORKS!!!! I walked around the edge splashing Kill It into the pool. About 2 hours later I checked the pool and found dead wasp floating in the pool and some laying on the bottom. While swimming later in the afternoon I watched wasp start to land and immediately fly away. The next day I hardly saw any wasp trying to get a drink.

July 21, 2016

Marian Rodee @ 6:26 am #


Truly awesome! Lots of dead and dying wasps around. At last they have not taken over our swimming pool.

May 6, 2020

Kathy L. @ 6:21 pm #


I have scooped tons of insects from our pool. This stuff is amazing!

May 26, 2022

Ronnae Melton @ 5:01 pm #

How much product should I add to my 9000 gallon pool to kill wasps?

July 5, 2022

Jimmy Vanderpool @ 8:26 am #


Superior Product! Had a small algae problem but a big wasp problem. dozens of wasps at a time. next day, they were straight up gone!
water is nice and clear as well.

July 1, 2023

Gill walsh @ 8:14 am #


Is this product available in Europe?

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