PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This is an electronic device which heats up to the range of temperature that fleas are able to see. They are attracted to it because they perceive the device as a kitten or a dog lying on the floor. Once they jump at the trap they will fall through the grid on the base and get stuck in a non-toxic glueboard. The trap costs less than $.05 a month to operate and will attract fleas from up to 25 feet away. The REPLACEABLE GLUE PADS can last up to three months or replace when filled with fleas.

WHERE TO USE IT: In any part of the home.

SIZE:   About 8″ from back to front, about 5″ wide and about 3″ tall.

RATE OF APPLICATION: Each trap will cover up to 800 square feet of living area.

$30.00   (822742)(COMES WITH 1 GLUE PAD)(3+ $27.00 ea)
Order online and save 5%

$10.00 (822744) Replacement Glue Pads (3 PADS PER PACK)(3+ $8.00 ea) (Free Standard Shipping)
Order online and save 5%


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Comments on FLEA TRAP Leave a Comment

July 11, 2016

Julie Crawford @ 8:02 am #



Hi Guys!
We have been at WAR with fleas for over 5 years!!! One of the problems was our daughter had a lot of stuff in her room, so treating professionally just wasn’t helping. Now our daughter bought her first place, and we find ourselves empty nesters. Our pets have passed away, and the bedroom where we had the worst infestation is empty! We had one more professional treatment AND purchased 4 of the flea traps. The bedroom is very large, so every 15 ft we placed a trap. So far, we have captured about 25 of the nasty animals! Like the video said, we know more have hatched and just bit it (professional term for expiring) before making the hop to the trap!!! So glad we got the traps and I hope to update this a few months from now, coz that empty room? Yep it’! s Momma’s craft room to be!!! Thanks!

July 24, 2016

Joy May @ 2:28 pm #


They are working really well. I tried so many other things and spent so much money but these traps work.

May 5, 2017

Kevin Elliott @ 9:50 am #


Awesome Product! We tried everything, you name it, we tried it. This product has saved us from hiring a pro to come in spray stuff we did not want to do in our home, that would be the last thing we would do, if we could not kill this issue.

Your product worked great, we purchase 8 units, and as of last week, we can enjoy our home once again, flea free!!

June 12, 2017

Donna J. @ 2:51 pm #


It works! The flea trap really works well – I had a severe infestation so along with the flea trap I used soapy water and diamateous earth and it’s about 95% cleared up.

October 25, 2017

Renata @ 3:46 pm #

I have a question:: Is the glue used in your trap non-toxic (environmentally friendly and safe for cats and humans around)?
My cats are frail seniors and myself have various allergies to airborne substances, and am borderline asthmatic. 🙂


October 31, 2017

CW @ 7:29 am #


They work! After our guests and their dogs left, they forgot to take the fleas! We’ve since been actively attacking an infestation both on professional and DIY levels. These flea traps are an added cost-effective, non-toxic tool and definitely work! We purchased four units and plan to keep them in place for long-term maintenance, too.

December 6, 2017

Cheri Guggenbickler @ 8:58 pm #


These work, had fleas the first night!

December 7, 2017

Lisa jones @ 8:17 pm #


These are great! Not only for fleas, but all kinds of weird looking tiny insects and ants. Things I would never even notice, if not for the pads. Florida has a lot of insects. Thank you to the inventor! I have them in every room in my house!

February 28, 2018

Zoe K. @ 12:20 pm #


Simply Amazing! I had been getting bit by fleas in my home but ever since I set up these traps I have not gotten bit once. I also used the flea granules and I think it has taken care of our problem. It is such a relief to have this issue under control! I am so thankful for this company proving such high quality products that really work!

November 5, 2018

Maria @ 2:40 pm #

Question: Are there any flea traps that are battery powered and do not require a plug? I would like to use one in my car. (I give frequent rides to a friend whose house has fleas, so I need a way to treat my car as well as my house. Having a way to kill adult fleas in the car while it is empty would, I hope, mean fewer fleas following me into my house 🙂

March 6, 2019

Laurie Erickson @ 2:18 pm #


Flea Trap Really Works! I’e been fighting fleas with my indoor cats after I fostered a dog who left his fleas behind. I didn’t want to bomb because I’d have to remove my 3 cats and a greyhound. I found food grade diatomaceous earth and an all natural pesticide. I treated my pets and then put the trap out.
It worked like a charm and trapped the remaining fleas. There is no sign of them anywhere, I’m so glad I purchased this product.
Thank you!!! 5 stars

August 11, 2020

Micheel Prince @ 12:44 pm #


Worth It! After taking in a pregnant stray cat, we learned shortly after she gave birth that she had fleas! Once she was finished nursing, mom and babies were treated and headed to permanent homes. However, my basement was still full of fleas! Foggers, sprays, and powders did very little to help. Vacuuming, baking soda, mopping with Dawn, nothing. These traps have been a godsend! After only one week, I noticed a dramatic improvement. Just ordered refills to keep them going because the sticky pads are nearly full! Highly recommend this product for hard to treat areas!

September 10, 2020

Gretchen Vandewater @ 7:06 am #


I began using the flea traps after treating my house for several weeks with spray chemical. I really like the trap because it is clean, non-toxic and lets me know if I still have a flea problem or not. The light is low but at night attracts and traps fleas and other small insects even in a large room. I kept them on for several weeks and will use them periodically to monitor the status of fleas in my home, including the attic and basement. If used when fleas are first noticed, they are great for determining if a more intense treatment is needed. They can also be very helpful in reducing the flea population in a setting where infants, ill or elderly people cannot tolerate chemical treatments. I recommend purchasing one or two if you have pets, even if you don’t think you have fleas!

January 13, 2022

Marc Gingold @ 11:20 pm #

Will this work for bed bugs and no-see-ums? I am trying to find out what biting us and causing us non-stop misery.

January 14, 2022
January 5, 2023

Terry Wilson @ 5:15 pm #


Best flea trap ever! We looked at many of these traps and this one is the best. The design is the best one to generate heat to attract the fleas. I bought 3 and each one has trapped fleas.

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